teknalight 7

The website houses agendas, meeting summaries, presentations and background docs. Use the pull down menus to search by date, document type, or group.

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Grid Modernization Kick-Off Workshop (11/14/2012)
 Unitil - Meissner Presentation 11.14.12  (Presentations) (1,796k)
 Brattle-Hanser-Sergici Presentation11.14.12  (Presentations) (531k)
 Raab Presentation 11.14.12  (Presentations) (894k)
 GE-Flynn Presentation 11.14.12  (Presentations) (3,350k)
 Cheri Warren Remarks 11.14.12  (Other) (343k)
 Meeting Summary for 11.14.12 Workshop  (Meeting Summary) (355k)
 MA DPU 11.14.12 Kick-off Meeting Agenda  (Agenda) (25k)
 MA DPU Notice of Investigation into Electric Grid Modernization  (Background Document) (229k)
 MA DPU NOI Press Release  (Other) (42k)
 NGRID-Warren Presentation 11.14.12  (Presentations) (5,435k)
 NSTAR-Gelbien and Schiller Presentation 11.14.12  (Agenda) (2,359k)

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